A message from the babe of the month, Maeg!

A message from the babe of the month, Maeg!
Birthdays have always been my favorite holiday. That’s right, I said holiday. Most people celebrate January 1 as a New Year, but I’ve always looked to my birthday as My New Year. There is deep reflection that happens to me leading up to my Birth Day and New Year. And, this year the word PRESENCE, and all that comes along with that, has become a reoccurring lesson for me.I’m sure you’ve all heard it before, from one of my favorite teachers Ram Dass - “Be here now.” It’s so easy to get caught up on the hamster wheel. And how often have you said to yourself or out loud, “Where did/does the time go?” It’s easy to forget and not see all the beauty that exists in the mundane. It’s easy to not honor the inevitable lows of life’s cycles. And next thing ya know, a whole year has gone by and you’re asking yourself, "Where did the year go?" Am I right?I have found myself rushing unintentionally through tasks and my days this last year. And as we rush, we are never truly present. No matter how much you attain in the rushing, it will never be enough for the ego. You will always be in a state of chasing something outside yourself. And that, inevitably, will leave you with a feeling of emptiness. But when we drop the rush, we begin to operate at a higher consciousness, and whatever done from that space will have you feeling more inspired. The ego is always in a rush, but the spirit is patient, calm & free. Being present is a gift and slowing down is necessary to moving forward. As Alan Watts perfectly puts, “Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start EXPERIENCING them by degree of presence.”Inside this mindful space that I have created through presence, I have room to ask myself better questions. Like, what is my intention? Does it matter, if I’m not paying attention? Am I being mindful, or is my mind full? Am I observing, or am I absorbing right now? These kind of questions, that kind of connection with myself, will always bring me back to the present moment.And living in the moment means paying attention to my present experiences, instead of allowing my mind to get caught up in thoughts which do not serve me or those around me. Maintaining presence can feel difficult, especially with so many distractions. And just as self-compassion is a practice, which you’ve gotta do repeatedly everyday for it to become effective, so is mindfulness.Some practices that have helped me maintain mindfulness and feel grounded in the present moment are:Monotasking:Multitasking can make it difficult to focus, regulate emotions and to remember. This is why I love lashing so much - focusing on one task at a time increases presence.Breathing Exercises:Mindful breathing can help ground you in the present moment by getting you to focus on the feeling of inhaling and exhaling. When we breathe deeply, the mind and heart become one. Did you do it?Meditation:Meditation is all about leaning in, and being present with your mind and body.Mindful Movement:Exercise requires you to focus on your body and breath. Yoga, Pilates, tai chi (I don’t do this but would join your group) and going for walks can emphasize this even more.Reduce Distractions:Distractions aren’t always bad, as they can help you self-soothe. However, if you struggle to stay present, reducing them can help.Journaling:Journaling is great for self-awareness. Journal prompts or free-writing in streams of consciousness can help you slow down your thoughts.I hope this helps you today, or save it for a day when you need a reminder to come back to yourself, this moment - right here, right now. Because this is it. Remember, joy is a birthright. You are a living, breathing, glimpse of heaven. Be aware. Be yourself. You’ve got this!Here’s to the next year around our Sun! To listening, leading, following, resting, laughing, caring, being, feeling, honoring, connecting, standing, speaking, knowing, balancing, empowering, and above all else-–loving.xxMaeg

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